Saturday, September 26, 2009

Where to find my new work

My website has been updates with 250+ photos and new galleries.

I am using this blog feature as a way to communicate announcements and new projects. Even if there are no recent entries..... photos are constantly being updated on my website, with highlights on flickr (Megha Photo) and my facebook fan-page (Megha Photography)

My gallery will be closing on Oct. 31, and then I will be traveling around and studying until March 2010.

This peaceful moment was caught when she turned 3.

When I first moved to Minnesota in July 2008, I was looking for a coffee table on craigslist. Found one, went to pick it up, and I met Julie & Audrey. Cute as can be!

Julie booked a session (finger painting) for when Audrey turned 2. Then another one with Mom, Grandma, and Aunt. We meet up again for Christmas card photos with Mom & Dad.
So much fun!!
All can be found on my website in the gallery full of LOVE.

Thanks Julie & Audrey!